emphasise|emphasised|emphasises|emphasising in English

verb emphasise (Brit.)

stress, accentuate the importance of, underscore; make more obviously defined (e.g.: "The skirt she is wearing emphasises her waist), emphasize

Use "emphasise|emphasised|emphasises|emphasising" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "emphasise|emphasised|emphasises|emphasising" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "emphasise|emphasised|emphasises|emphasising", or refer to the context using the word "emphasise|emphasised|emphasises|emphasising" in the English Dictionary.

1. Our program emphasises self-help.

2. Always emphasise the positive .

3. Successful motivation depends on emphasising positive tangible benefits.

4. These concepts emphasise class, crisis management and bureaucracy.

5. 13 Jim Smyth of the Ulster Workers' Council emphasised and re-emphasised it with particular skill and persistence.

6. Social accounting emphasises the notion of corporate accountability.

7. He thrusts his chin forward to over-emphasise words.

8. Her gown was long, emphasising her slender figure, and starkly black.

9. There are also many songs emphasising love and other social issues.

10. Schools, he argues emphasise and embody middle-class values.

11. Not that we should over-emphasise Lorca's surrealism.

12. 17 They can emphasise the danger of a new arms race.

13. The rows of hazel coppice emphasised the atmosphere of decay.

14. Driver training should emphasise signal failures and their reporting.

15. Arguably, a major focus of marketing could be on emphasising the individuality of services.

16. EAM emphasised the Government of India policy of ‘Neighbours First’.

17. The corners of buildings are often emphasised by rusticated quoins.

18. I want very briefly to emphasise a number of points.

19. As the Commission emphasises, adjustments to the labour market are a key requirement.

20. It emphasises solutions that translate into concrete competitive advantages and factors of success.

21. Sabah state government also emphasises pre-school education in the state.

22. 4 Schools, he argues emphasise and embody middle-class values.

23. These figures emphasise the importance of protecting these coastal habitats.

24. Silhouetted sticks of rotted snow barriers emphasise godforsaken desert stretching for endless miles.

25. Bordering emphasises borders as outcomes of ideologies, as noted briefly in author’s illustrations